Advertising Rates
Are you interested in having your business, organization, event, or personal message featured in Traditions Magazine? Then, please consider purchasing advertising space. We offer reasonable low cost advertisement options which allow you to get the word out without costing alot. We accept advertising exchanges.
Please remember to include your full name, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, and the full text and images When submitting your advertisement. Your advertisement space will be confirmed once full payment has been received. We accept payment via the online "Buy Now" buttons below, or you may contact us directly at [email protected] to discuss other payment options.
01-25 Word Classifieds |
$2.00 |

26-50 Word Classifieds |
$3.00 |

Business Card |
$5.00 |

Quarter Page |
$15.00 |

Half Page |
$25.00 |

Full Page |
$50.00 |

Inside Cover |
$60.00 |

Back Cover |
$75.00 |

Rates are for camera-ready artwork. We are able to accept e-mail attachments in jpg, gif, and tif format. Or you can send your camera-ready advertisement to us at:
- Traditions Magazine
attn: Advertising Department
PO Box 291117
Tampa, FL 33678-1117
- E-Mail: [email protected]
We reserve the right to decline any advertisements for any reason.