Protecting the Land
All around the world forests are cut down and sacred places are destroyed in the name of progress. There are those among us that stand to protect the land. We voice a call to action and offer their stories. Here you can find out about current efforts to preserve and protect the sanctity of the land. Learn about current events and issues, conservation ideas, and other related topics that impact our landscape and wildlife.
We are the stewards of the land. As individuals, we each have a voice, and united together our voices will echo into a roar. We can each make a difference, and as we manifest our decisions into action we will shape the world.
If you know of a sacred site or area of land that is in danger or demands the attention of the larger community, please let us know. We welcome articles by those all of those who protect the land and will feature them both online and in print. Please provide detailed and acurate information regarding the situation and submit them via the guidelines established for contributors.
Online Since May 2004  |
In each issue of Traditions Magazine, we try to cover a specific archaeological site and provide readers with relevant information about the folklore and stories associated with that area.
It is our goal to provide perspectives from many different traditions. We offer informative outlooks that include well researched articles and insightful commentaries. We also include book reviews, interviews, and a chance for readers to express their thoughts and opinions.